Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Get Rid of Pimples Naturally - Secrets to Having Clear Beautiful Skin

Having a pimple doesn't make you a social outcast, regardless of what you may be thinking as you look in the mirror. Pimples are something that we all have dealt with, so you aren't alone in your suffering. They just aren't the prettiest thing to stare back at you when you look in the mirror, I mean we do all strive to have nice clear healthy looking skin and pimples are a blemish that we don't want. There are all sorts of treatment options available, ranging from chemical treatments available over the counter at most drug stores, prescription strength treatments you see you doctor for and another treatment option that you may want to consider is the natural approach. Being able to get rid of pimples naturally is the safest treatment option for your skin, so I'm going to discuss this route for you today.

As we get older we are beginning to realize that a lot of the stuff we put into our bodies is so ridden with chemicals and other harmful ingredients, that we are waking up and beginning to realize that this may be the cause for some of our other ailments. Most chemicals will treat one symptom but cause another reaction somewhere in the body. I mean most medications have a list of potential side effects, most that I see range from may induce vomiting, cause diarrhea and the list goes on.

So as you can see why many people look for natural treatment options for the ailments, and this includes treatments to get rid of pimples.

Some natural remedies to help get rid of pimples include:

  • Using sea-salt- Mix 3 teaspoons of sea salt in a small bowl with 1/2 of a cup of hot (not warm) water. Mix the salt and water together with a nice clean Q-tip. Use the end of the Q-tip that was used for mixing and place it directly onto your pimples. Hold the swab in place for 10-15 minutes. Repeat this option once a day until the pimple dries up and has vanished.
  • Ice- Rubbing ice on an inflamed pimple for a few minutes works wonders at reducing swelling.
  • Make up- If you wear make up, try to find make up that is oil-free, as oil based make up tends to clog pores and lead to more break outs.
  • Water- Water is nature's natural lubricant. Drinking lots of pure, filtered water every day, helps to flush your body of toxins that do all sorts of harm, such as cause break outs of pimples.

Using cheap home made treatments for your pimples should show your lasting results in a few days. Using a combination of a couple of the above options works best to get rid of pimples naturally and the best way to have clear healthy skin.

It doesn't matter if you are 13 or 40 years old, acne impacts everyone of all ages. Learn the best kept secret in the fight of acne, learn the facts on getting rid of pimples. Visit my site and rid yourself of acne for good! Click Here Now!

Looking For a Fast Cure For Acne? Don't Waste Your Money on Treatments That Don't Work

Are you looking for a fast cure for acne? Well you aren't alone, in fact millions of people world-wide search for this everyday. The problem that most encounter is that most of your treatment methods available today consist of drugs or creams. Neither one really cure your acne, they just cover up the symptoms and lead to the acne coming back over and over again.

The drug and pharmaceutical companies like any other big corporation are in for the money, so they aren't going to cure your disease, because if they did they wouldn't make any more money off of you. They want you to experience some relief of your symptoms so you'll come back for more over and over again.

Understanding why your body is reacting the way it is and causing acne outbreaks is your first step to curing your acne. Acne is mainly caused from clogging of the pores, excessively oily skin, imbalances of hormones and bacterial growth. There are many other reasons why your body may be breaking out, but these are the biggest causes. By treating your acne condition with more chemicals will lead to a bigger imbalance and will lead to more breakouts in the long-run. This is why people have been turning to at home acne treatment to cure their acne.

some of the most popular at home acne treatments are:

  • Consuming foods high in fiber such as fruits, vegetables and nuts, will help your body rid itself of toxins and give itself a good internal flush. Avoiding junk food and foods high in refined carbs, such as sugar and white flour. Water is also a good all natural remedy. Water is the lubricant that keeps your body going. Water will flush away even more toxins and impurites than just eating high fiber foods will alone, so combining the two is a perfect game plan.
  • Don't pop a zit if you do have one, this will spread the infection all over your face. If you do, for some reason, have to pop a zit, do it the safe way. Use a sterilized needle to pop your pimple and use a clean cotton swab to keep the puss from spreading. Then apply an antibiotic cream to keep it from getting further infected.

Now that people have begun to open their eyes and realize that drugs and creams aren't the best at home acne treatment options available, they are turning to natural solutions for a fast acne cure so that they don't haveto pay their doctor every month for more drugs.

It doesn't matter if you are 13 or 40 years old, acne impacts everyone of all ages. Learn the best kept secret in the fight of acne, learn the facts on getting rid of pimples, Visit my site and rid yourself of acne for good! Click Here Now!

Best Way to Get Rid of Pimples - Here Are 3

When you look at yourself in the mirror do you find ugly nasty pimples staring you back? It takes a tremendous amount of restraint to resist popping these doesn't it? You aren't alone, there are millions of people world-wide that go through what you go through everyday. So no matter what you may be feeling, disgust, low self-esteem or self pity you should know that you don't have to, everyone gets pimples. This article is to let you know about the best way to get rid of pimples, actually three of them.

Pimples so you know are a live form of acne that appears as whiteheads and are filled with puss. Pimples are not only painful, they can be very damaging to your skin, and although it may seem difficult to get rid of these pimples, they can be very easy to treat.

If you can live with them, leaving them alone can be the best way to get rid of acne pimples, but most times you will need some sort of treatment to get rid of them for good.

  1. Benzoyl peroxide- Applying benzoyl peroxide is a great way to eliminate pimples. A topical treatment that includes benzoyl peroxide in concentrations of 2.5%-10% works best. This is a very inexpensive way to treat acne. Benzoyl peroxide is known to stain towels, clothing and sheets so use with caution.
  2. Commercial Cleansing Systems- Proactive, SkinMedica and other similar skin treatments are extremely effective in eliminating acne problems, however since they are very commercial they are also expensive for long term treatment options. Ranging from $20-$100 or even more per treatment, this can really put a dent in your bank account to have a clear acne free face.
  3. Home Remedy- Home remedies are often the best way to get rid of pimples and treat acne permanently. Using different items like ice, orange peel, aloe vera and toothpaste are very inexpensive and effective treatments you can use at home.

While you don't necessarily need to visit a doctor to clear up your acne, sometimes a doctors appointment isn't a bad idea to diagnose what type of acne you are dealing with. A natural approach using items found around the home is the best way to get rid of pimples in my opinion, and more and more people everyday are learning this.

It doesn't matter if you are 13 or 40 years old, acne impacts everyone of all ages. Learn the best kept secret in the fight of acne, learn the facts on getting rid of pimples,. Visit my site and rid yourself of acne for good! Click Here Now!

Best Way to Get Rid of Pimples - Here Are 3

When you look at yourself in the mirror do you find ugly nasty pimples staring you back? It takes a tremendous amount of restraint to resist popping these doesn't it? You aren't alone, there are millions of people world-wide that go through what you go through everyday. So no matter what you may be feeling, disgust, low self-esteem or self pity you should know that you don't have to, everyone gets pimples. This article is to let you know about the best way to get rid of pimples, actually three of them.

Pimples so you know are a live form of acne that appears as whiteheads and are filled with puss. Pimples are not only painful, they can be very damaging to your skin, and although it may seem difficult to get rid of these pimples, they can be very easy to treat.

If you can live with them, leaving them alone can be the best way to get rid of acne pimples, but most times you will need some sort of treatment to get rid of them for good.

  1. Benzoyl peroxide- Applying benzoyl peroxide is a great way to eliminate pimples. A topical treatment that includes benzoyl peroxide in concentrations of 2.5%-10% works best. This is a very inexpensive way to treat acne. Benzoyl peroxide is known to stain towels, clothing and sheets so use with caution.
  2. Commercial Cleansing Systems- Proactive, SkinMedica and other similar skin treatments are extremely effective in eliminating acne problems, however since they are very commercial they are also expensive for long term treatment options. Ranging from $20-$100 or even more per treatment, this can really put a dent in your bank account to have a clear acne free face.
  3. Home Remedy- Home remedies are often the best way to get rid of pimples and treat acne permanently. Using different items like ice, orange peel, aloe vera and toothpaste are very inexpensive and effective treatments you can use at home.

While you don't necessarily need to visit a doctor to clear up your acne, sometimes a doctors appointment isn't a bad idea to diagnose what type of acne you are dealing with. A natural approach using items found around the home is the best way to get rid of pimples in my opinion, and more and more people everyday are learning this.

It doesn't matter if you are 13 or 40 years old, acne impacts everyone of all ages. Learn the best kept secret in the fight of acne, learn the facts on eliminate pimples,. Visit my site and rid yourself of acne for good! Click Here Now!