Saturday, February 20, 2010

Homemade Acne Treatments- How To Create Your Own Homemade Acne Treatment

If your skin suffers from acne, then you might be interested in knowing how to make your own homemade acne treatments. These remedies aren't expensive, are natural and don't run the risk of harmful side effects that some of the prescribed medications have.

The most obvious, and most overlooked, remedy is water. Drinking 8-10 8oz glasses of water a day, will promote healthy skin.

One of the most common causes of acne is the buildup of oil and bacteria on the skin. Regular cleaning is a must if you are determined to get rid of the excessive build up of oil and bacteria from your skin. Washing your face twice a day with a good gentle skin cleanser is one of the most effective homemade acne treatments you will find. The best times for washing are first thing in the morning when you wake up, and just before going to bed at night.

If getting some relief from the itching of your pimples is what you are after, a paste made of baking soda maybe what you are after. This mixture is very common in providing relief from bee stings, because of it's ability to reduce redness and itching.

Wearing a soothing mask made of oatmeal is another effective homemade treatment method you could try. Mix oatmeal with warm water until a thick paste is formed. Apply the paste to the problem area for 10 to 20 minutes. Then rinse again with warm water. This works so well, because the oatmeal will naturally wick away excess moisture from your pimple and allow it to dry out faster.

In your quest for homemade acne treatments that are effective, these are the best you can find. Just remember that commercial drug companies have only been around for a short period of time compared to how long we have been dealing with acne treatments. You don't need to dish out large amounts of money to clear up your acne, just try some good ol'fashioned home remedies to clear up your skin.

Now listen up,

It doesn't matter if you are 13 or 40 years old, acne impacts everyone of all ages. Learn the best kept secret in the fight of acne, learn the facts on getting rid of pimples. Visit my site and rid yourself of acne for good! Click Here Now!

Getting Rid of Zits- Top Tips to Eliminate Pimples

Getting rid of zits has been a problem that countless people deal with everyday and it one that people have been dealing with for ages. The good news for you is that despite some pretty old myths regarding zits and acne, eating chocolate or greasy foods doesn't cause zits. Of course keeping your intake of these types of foods to reasonable levels is a good idea. So what should you do to get rid of acne.

Here are a few tips to help:

  • Even though greasy foods and chocolate don't cause zits, eating healthy can certainly help to clear up your skin. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I know this doesn't sound too exciting, but does your face covered with zits sound interesting? I didn't think so. Just start eating healthy and you've taken care of half of the battle
  • Zits and pimples, whatever you want to call them are both the same thing, can be cured, just don't pop them. This will only make the appearance of them worse, and it may cause scarring. While the zit may be gone, you may be left with a nasty scar that will be even harder to get rid of
  • Another misconception is that zits are caused by dirty skin. This isn't so, and scrubbing your skin vigorously isn't going to help. It infact can lead to more skin irritations. Using a gentle mild skin cleanser or soap to wash before going to bed, is the best method.

Getting rid of zits is usually a problem that teenagers face, but adults can and do get them as well. Much of the underlying causes of outbreaks is from hormonal changes. Females will normally see an increase around the time of their monthly period. Males, not having a monthly period, are mainly affected during puberty into their 20's, remember, they go through a lot of hormonal changes during this time. Zits can be a result of these changes.

Now pay close attention to more tips on getting rid of zits.

It doesn't matter if you are 13 or 40 years old, acne impacts everyone of all ages. Learn the best kept secret in the fight of acne, learn the facts on getting rid of pimples. Visit my site and rid yourself of acne for good! Click Here Now!